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Bed Bug Prevention Tips

Remember your mother tucking you into bed at night and saying "Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite" before she turned off your night light, you probably thought she was kidding, well she wasn't. Bedbugs once lived in caves and sucked the blood from bats and our prehistoric ancestors, when we left our caves so did they. Most people generally think of bedbugs being found only in dirty conditions. honestly, bedbugs can thrive in even the cleanest of houses and find places to hide. Taking precautions may seem like alot of work, but is necessary if you want to keep your home bedbug free.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent bringing bed bugs into you home. Vigilance is the key to bed bug prevention. When out in public - whether at a hotel, store, movie theater, doctors office or work place - it is important that you stay cautious of all surroundings.

  1. Covering your bed (both mattress and box-spring) with a bed bug proof mattress cover. Its the #1 way to prevent an infestation. This keeps your bed from becoming infested.
  2. Run the vacuum! Sweeping baseboards, couches, chairs, and floors will go along way and prevent any-other bugs that may be entering your home. you can also Vacuum out your suitcases/overnight bags after traveling.
  3. Check your sheets for tell-tale signs like blood spots, fecal staining, exoskeleton sheds.
  4. Never bring second-hand furniture, especially mattresses and box springs, into your home without thoroughly examining for signs of a bed bug infestation. You might also consider having a pest control professional inspect the furniture as it is difficult to detect an infestation without training.
  5. Keep a change of clothes in the garage when you return home. When changing clothes, put the clothes in a sealable plastic bag. be sure to Lauder clothes before wearing again.

 If a bedbug infestation is ever found in your home or business its important to call the professionals at AllPest Pest Control & Wildlife Removal a trusted pest control company that services the entire Miami Valley. We have been improving health conditions and protecting people and business from Bedbugs, Roaches, Termites, and Nuisance Wildlife for a number of years. Contact us by phone (937)884-5646 or through our website. And be sure to like us on Facebook.

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